Take A Look Behind The Scenes At Person Place or Thing!
A new mini-doc about the show is on YouTube now.
The Person Place or Thing YouTube channel has posted a really nice in-depth look at the making of the new word game show.
The special goes in-depth over how the show was formed and developed, the amazing producer who helps Melissa know all the answers, and other fascinating tidbits about the show. If you’re interested in game show development, production or really just wanna see Melissa Peterman be silly, this show’s the show for you.
Unanswered is why Wally the Person Place or Thing Bird (the name we came up with) is still heretofore not named or referred to at all. COME ON PPT YOU COWARDS PUT WALLY ON A SCREEN ON STAGE
Person Place or Thing is in syndication, and you can check your local listing for when it airs in your area. They also post episodes daily on their YouTube channel if you want to catch up that way. The game is actually very fun to watch and it’s a really nice half hour of television. Hopefully another season gets ordered!